First created in 1985, Sylvanian Families is a unique and adorable range of distinctive animal characters that live, work and play in the idyllic land of Sylvania. Sylvanian Families originated in Japan and made the journey to the UK in 1987. It became an iconic toy of the ‘80s and received the UK Toy of the Year award for three years running. Sold in over 50 countries, Sylvanian Families is a global brand, with themed restaurants and a dedicated theme park in Japan. To date, more than 100 million Sylvanian Families figures have been sold worldwide.
The word Sylvan means ‘of the forest’ and the brand has three values at its heart: Nature, Love and Family.
This evergreen toy appeals to children and adults alike, from young children just making their first friends, older children about to start secondary school, right up to nostalgic adults who fondly remember the figures from their own childhoods, plus serious collectors with a passion for all things Sylvanian!
Sylvanian Families let children craft their own stories, and helps them develop social skills and emotional intelligence through imaginative play. Sylvania is a sanctuary where everyone can be part of the family, letting children learn about relationships, including being kind to each other.
As well as being a great collectible item, many Sylvanian products also connect together so that you can grow your Sylvanian Village and create your own unique Sylvanian World as your collection expands.
All of the Sylvanian Families products have five characteristics which help to educate children whilst enjoying the toys.